Dr. Anurag Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bhilai
Personal Webpage
Research Interest
- Topological Combinatorics
- Enumerative Combinatorics
- Combinatorial Geometry
Academic Background
- Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
- M.Sc., Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
- B.Sc., University of Lucknow, India
Professional Experience
- October 2021- --: Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.
- July 2018-September 2021: Postdoc fellow, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India.
Current Students
- Himanshu Chandrakar, PhD, IIT Bhilai
- Surender Kumar, PhD, IIT Bhilai (Co-supervisor: Dr. Anuj Jakhar, IIT Madras)
- Shiny Chakraborty, JRF (SERB project)
Past Students
- Deepak, MSc, IIT Bhilai, 2022-23.
- Ekta Makhija, MSc, IIT Bhilai, 2022-23.
- Niraj Velankar, MSc, SVNIT Surat (Co-supervisor: Dr. Amit Sharma, SVNIT Surat), 2022-23.
- Mathematics I, IIT Bhilai, 2023-24(M).
- MA508: Topology, IIT Bhilai, 2022-23(W).
- MA516: Enumerative Combinatorics, IIT Bhilai, 2022-23(M).
- IC153: Calculus 1, IIT Bhilai, 2021-22(W).
- Enumerative Combinatorics, Chennai Mathematical Institute, 2020-21(W) & 2019-20(W).
- Introduction to Topological Combinatorics, Chennai Mathematical Institute, 2018-19(W).
Selected Publications
Journal Papers
- Homomorphism complexes, reconfiguration, and homotopy for directed graphs (with A. Dochtermann), European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 110, 103704, 2023.
- The Borsuk-Ulam theorem for planar polygon spaces (with N. Daundkar, P. Deshpande, and S. Goyal), Topology and its applications, vol. 318, 108204, 2022.
- Pattern avoidance of [4,k]-pairs in circular permutations (with K. Menon), Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2022.
- Higher matching complexes of complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 2022.
- Distance r-domination number and r-Independence complexes of graphs (with P. Deshpande and S. Shukla), European Journal of Combinatorics, 2022.
- Vertex decomposability of complexes associated to forests, Transactions on Combinatorics, 2022.
- Matching complexes of 3 × n grid graphs (with S. Goyal and S. Shukla), The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2021.
- Pattern avoidance and dominating compositions (with K. Menon), Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 2021.
- A combinatorial statistics for labeled threshold graphs (with P. Deshpande and K. Menon), Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 2021.
- Bounded degree complexes of forests, Discrete Mathematics, 2020.
See here for complete list of publications.
Administrative Responsibilities
- August 1, 2023- -- : Warden, Kanhar hostel, IIT Bhilai.
- August 24, 2022- -- : Faculty-in-charge, Health Centre, IIT Bhilai.
- April 13, 2022- July 31, 2023 : Warden, Castle Dio (boys), IIT Bhilai.
Grants and Awards
- NBHM Travel Grant (for visiting BIRS Canada), 2023.
- Start-up Research Grant (SRG), SERB, India, 2022-24.
- Vritika (Training and Skill Internship) Grant-SERB, 2022.
- Research Initiation Grant (RIG), IIT Bhilai, India, 2022-25.
- Long term visiting fellowship, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, 2020.
- Visiting fellowship, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India, 2018-21.
- Globlink-Mitacs (short term visiting fellowship), Canada, 2013 (not availed).
- Institute Silver Medal for securing 1st rank in M.Sc.-Mathematics and Computing, IIT Guwahati, India, 2012.
- Selected for NBHM-PhD fellowship, 2012.
- Qualified GATE (AIR 15), 2012.
- Qualified UGC-NET (AIR 30), 2012.
- Short term visiting fellowship, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, 2012.
- INSPIRE scholarship for higher education (SHE), Department of Science and Technology, India, 2008-2012.