Monika Srivastava
Thesis Title: Positive Psychology and Well-Being
Supervisor: Dr. Anindita Ghosh
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Srivastava, M., & Ghosh, A. (2023). Online gratitude interventions during COVID- 19 pandemic on youth: Randomized trial. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 20(2), 272–298.
- Srivastava, M., & Ghosh, A. (2023). Reflective Report: Challenges Encountered During Quantitative Survey Fieldwork in India. Journal of Psychosocial Research, 18(1), 9-19.
Conferences (five latest)
- “Death Anxiety among Nurses: A Review” at the International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Challenges & Innovation organized by the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi in November 2022.
- “Effect of Gratitude Interventions on Well-being of Indian Youth” at the Eleventh International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society organized by Sorbonne Université in September 2021.
Namitarani Gochhayat
Thesis Title: Area on Development Economics
Supervisor: Dr. Rekha Ravindran
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Rout, S., Gochhayat, N., Majhi, M. et al. The detrimental effect of socio-economic factors on cotton productivity in the tribal region of Odisha. Discov Agric 2, 46 (2024).
- “Gender-based occupational segregation in the Indian labor market” (with Dr Sitakanta Panda) at the 57th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) organized by University of Hyderabad in January 2023.
- “Gender-based occupational segregation in the Indian labor market” (with Dr Sitakanta Panda) at the 63rd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE), at Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar in March 2023.
Conferences (five latest)
Rhitabrata Das
Thesis Title: Sports Literature and Popular Culture
Supervisor: Associate Head, Dept of LA
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Das, R. 2024. “Thin Barbed Wire Fences of Religions, Where Football Binds Millions: Exploring the Ultras Phenomenon in the Kolkata Maidan.” Soccer & Society, 1–17.
Conferences (five latest)
- “Does Sporting Heroism Essentially Entail Hegemonic Masculinity? Exploring Sporting Heroism in Moti Nandi’s Koni” in Reading Narratives/Storying Humanity: Society and Culture in South and Southeast Asia, a national conference organised by the Department of English, Assam University, Silchar in August 2023.
- “Understanding Fandom: The Ultras Phenomenon and post-millennial Indian Football” in the Northeast Popular Culture Association Annual Virtual Conference, an international conference by Northeast Popular & American Culture Association (NEPCA) organized in October 2021.
Barsha Santra
Thesis Title: Blue Ecocriticism, Place and Nonhuman Agency in South Asian Littoral Fiction
Supervisor: Dr. Anubhav Pradhan
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- NA
Conferences (five latest)
- Animal Representation and Nonhuman Agency in Amit Masurkar’s Sherni” in the International Conference on ‘Interweaving Anthropology, Science and Narrative: Postanthropocentric Mappings in the Era of Climate Crises’ organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in November 2023
- Memory, Identity, and Environmental Consciousness in Bangladeshi Fiction In English” in the International Conference on ‘Memory, Ecology, and Sustainability’ organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras in September 2023
Thesis Title: Reclaiming Agency, Restructuring Representation: Women's Life Writings and the Partition of 1947
Supervisor: Dr. Anubhav Pradhan
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- “Getting Along the Machines”. Review of Klara and the Sun, by Kazuo Ishiguro. MZU Journal of Literature and Cultural Studies, IX(1) : 2022
Conferences (five latest)
- Reclaiming Narratives: Dalit Autobiographies as Metaphors of Resistance — A study of Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke” in the International Conference (virtual) on ‘Metaphors: Horizons of Meaning’ organized by Ca’ Foscari University, Venice in February 2024.
- Between Pages and Margins: Gendered Marginalization in Partition Literature” in the National seminar on ‘Marginalities: Gendered Intersections’ organized by Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi in March 2024.
Vinay Kumar
Thesis Title: Essays on Public Economics
Supervisor: Dr. Rekha Ravindran
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Pradhan, K. and Kumar, V. (2022), "An empirical analysis of impact of banking sector on Indian stock market", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
- Kumar, V. (2023). Does Financial Inclusion Affect Poverty? An Analysis of Developing Countries. Asian Economics Letters.
Conferences (five latest)
- “Impact of government ideology on public finance outcomes in major Indian states, 1991-2021,” co-authored with Dr Sitakanta Panda, at the 26th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association organized at GITAM University, Visakhapatnam in February 2023.
Deepanwita Dey
Thesis Title: Narrative Constitution of Madness and the Everyday in Contemporary Indian Literature
Supervisor: Dr. Anubhav Pradhan
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Dey, D. (2024). Book review: Indranil Acharya and Sayantan Dasgupta, Writings from the Sundarbans. South Asia Research, 44(2), 275-278.
- Dey, D. (2022). The dual consciousness of Edna Pontellier in Kate chopin’s The Awakening. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 7(2), 330-332.
- Dey, D. (2022). “the truth that no one ever utters”: Mental Illness in Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis. Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 10(2), 137-141.
Conferences (five latest)
- Co-convened a panel on “Urbanity and the Uncanny: Cases on Delhi” with Dr. Anubhav Pradhan in the 13th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 13), organised by the International Institute of Asian Studies (Leiden) in Surabaya, Indonesia from 28 July to 1 August 2024.
- Madness, Humour and Trauma in Jerry Pinto’s Em and the Big Hoom”, in ‘Wit, Humour and the Carnivalesque in Literature and Performance’, an annual conference organised by the Association for Commonwealth Literature & Language Studies in India (IACLALS) in February 2024.
- (Un)Framing Madness and Narrative Disruptions in Reshma Valliappan’s fallen, standing: my life as a schizophrenist”, in ‘Margins and Peripheries in South Asia’, a graduate researchers’ conference organised by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati in October 2023.
- “Exploring Gender and Sexuality: From Holmes to Sherlock”, in ‘Of Murders, Mysteries and Sensation: Interpreting Detective Fiction’, a national seminar organized by the Department of English, Miranda House, University of Delhi in October 2017.
Sushree Subhadra
Thesis Title: Essay on Political Economics of Corruption and Governance
Supervisor: Associate Head, Dept of LA
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- “Does higher education level matter for the reduction of non-renewable energy demand? Insights from the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters” (with M.K. Mahalik, T.H. Le, and H.C. Le), 2022. Journal of Economic Development, vol. 47(3), pp. 29-56.
Conferences (five latest)
- Political competition, public sector corruption and economic outcomes in India”, co-authored with Sitakanta Panda, at the 7th SANEM Annual Economists’ Conference (SAEC) 2024 on “New Frontiers in Development and Emerging Dynamics”, organized by South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM) held at Dhaka, Bangladesh,in February 2024.
- Does corruption grease the wheels of economic growth and human development? Evidence from India”, co-authored with Sitakanta Panda, at the 27th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association held at School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, in January 2024.
- Presented a paper titled “Political fragmentation and fiscal policy: Evidence from India” co-authored with Sitakanta Panda, at the 24th Biennial Conference of the Association of Indian Economic and Financial Studies, to be held on July 24-25, 2023, at Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
- “Political fragmentation and fiscal policy”, co-authored with Dr Sitakanta Panda, at the 26th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association, organized at GITAM University, Visakhapatnam in February 2023.
Chandrani Sanyal
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Sruthi Vinayan
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Sanyal, Chandrani and Susmita Roy Chaudhuri. 2022, Discord and Displacement. Efflorescence, Issue 7, ISSN- 2278-3837, 25-31.
Conferences (five latest)
- “Analyzing the Affective Impact of Memoryscape on Personal Memory of the Central Character in Tomb of Sand” in VIII MSA Annual Conference at Lima, titled, Memories in Transit, organized by Memory Studies Association, in July 2024.
- Violence as a Quotidian Reality in South Asian Borderland Fictions: Resisting Spatial Sovereignty” in XVI Biennial International Comparative Literature Association of India Conference, organized by Sikkim University in November 2023
- "Assertion of Subjectivity and Self Reflexivity in Select Dalit Narratives " in Dalit Studies: Issues, Challenges, Possibilities and Reception, a national conference organized by Kalyani University in April 2022.
- "The trope of Fragmented Narrative and Postmodern tendencies in Cinema: A close reading of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" in International Modernism and Postmodernism Studies Conference 2021 (Virtual) by Modernism and Postmodernism Studies Network.
- "Partition and Emergence of Self: Study of Women Characters in Partition Fiction", a one-day seminar on New Dimensions of Indian Writing in English by the University of Calcutta in January 2020.
Garima Shrivastava
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Anindita Ghosh
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- NA
Conferences (five latest)
- NA
Punyasree M. P.
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Anindita Ghosh
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Punyasree., Kumar, P., Yadav, V. N., Manshi, & Anupam. (2023). Development of infidelity scale and its relationship with dating app motivation scale and sensation seeking scale. INSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology, 4(2), 97–105.
Conferences (five latest)
- “Integration between Dating App Usage and Infidelity” in the 12th InSPA International Conference organized by Pondicherry University and the Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA) in October 2022.
- "Study of Dating App Usage in Relation to Dating Motives, Sensation Seeking and Infidelity" in the 3rd APSPA International Conference 2022 organised by the Graduate School of Human Sciences, Assumption University of Thailand in Association with the Asia Pacific School Psychology Association organised in July 2022.
- “Personality and Perfectionism among Professionals” in a two-day national seminar on Recent Trends and Practices in Clinical Psychology organized by Fatima Mata National College, University of Kerala in January 2020.
Rudrani Dasgupta Chaudhuri
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Anubhav Pradhan
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- Being Brown, Doing ‘Femme’: Feminism, Femininity, Body Politics and Diasporic Identity in the Works of Leah Laxmi Piepzna-Samarasinha.” South Asian Women’s Narratives: Literatures of Their Own, edited by Somjeeta Pandey and Bidhu Chand Murmu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023, pp. 10-22.
Conferences (five latest)
- Queer Becoming and Anxieties of Naming: An Exercise in Autoethnography” at Anviksha: A Research Scholars' Conference organised by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in February 2024.
- Presented a paper titled “‘Seeing’ the Queer Indian: In search of representation in visual arts from Khajuraho to Instagram” at an international seminar organized by the En-Gender collective in August 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “From ‘victim to ‘agent’ : Representation of sex-workers in Shohini Ghosh’s documentary film Tales of the Nightfairies” at a national seminar organized by Sudhiranjan Lahiri Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal State University in July 2020.
Harshit Shrivastava
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Eslavath Rajkumar
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- NA
Conferences (five latest)
- NA
Lipsa Mariya Jose
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Eslavath Rajkumar
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- NA
Conferences (five latest)
- Health Protective Behaviors among Indians during COVID-19: Role of components of Capability, Opportunity, Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) Model: Mixed Method” at the 32nd convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) organized by Ahmedabad University from March 3 - 5, 2023.
- Role of Working Memory Capacity in Change Blindness of Young Adults” at the 32nd convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) organized by Ahmedabad University from March 3 - 5, 2023.
- The influence of Sense of Coherence and Attachment Style on Engaging in Health Behaviors” at the International Virtual Conference organized by Central University of Karnataka from January 24 - 25, 2022.
- Social relationship and sleep quality: A correlational study” at the International Webinar organized by Chaudhary Bansi Lal University conducted from June 17 - 18, 2020.
Dipannita Mandal
Thesis Title: TBA
Supervisor: TBA
Email ID:⇓
Publications (five latest)
- NA
Conferences (five latest)
- NA