The Department of Mathematics was established in 2016, together with the establishment of IIT Bhilai. The department is involved in research and bringing high-quality education in various areas of mathematical science. Faculty members of the department are active in various research areas, such as: Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Set-Valued Fixed Point Theory and its Applications, Quasi-Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems; Operator Theory, Function Algebra, Cowen Douglas Class Operator and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space; Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes and Statistics, Estimation Theory, Applied Probability; Additive Number Theory; Analysis of Partial Differential Equations.
The department is offering Ph.D. program since 2018. The department offers various elective courses for Ph.D. students. The department’s ailm is to develop the expertise on Optimization theory; Numerical Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics; Scientific Computing; Discrete Mathematics; Theoretical Computer Science; Graph Theory in future.
Publications, Conference/Workshop Participation, Invited Talk, Awards etc
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- Vishwakarma, P. and Kataria, K. K. (2024). On integrals of birth-death processes at random time. Statistics & Probability Letters 214, 110204.
- Vishwakarma, P. and Kataria, K. K. (2024). On the generalized birth–death process and its linear versions. Journal of Theoretical Probability
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2024). Fractional Skellam process of order k. Journal of Theoretical Probability 37(2), 1333–1356.
- Khandakar, M. and Kataria, K. K. (2024). On a time-changed variant of the generalized counting process. Journal of Applied Probability 61(2), 716-738.
- Mishra, P. K. and Tripathi, V. M. (2024). Nehari manifold approach for fractional Kirchhoff problems with extremal value of the parameter, Fractional calculus and Applied Analysis, 27, 919-943.
- Arnab Patra, Jyoti Rani, and Sanjay Kumar Mahto. "Spectral properties of the Rhaly operator on weighted null sequence spaces and associated operator ideals." Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 16.10 (2023): 2350187. (
- J. Bhanja, R. K. Mistri. The sizes of restricted sums of multisets. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 133, 40 (2023).
- Fiscella, A., Mishra, P. K. and Tripathi, V. M. (2023). Nehari manifold method for singular double phase problem with optimal control on parameter, Journal of Mathematical Physics (2023), DOI:
- Mishra, P. K., Silva, K. and Tripathi, V. M. (2023). Extremal parameter for double phase problem with concave-convex nonlinearity, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2023), DOI:
- Anton Dochtermann and Anurag Singh, Homomorphism complexes, reconfiguration, and homotopy for directed graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 110, 103704, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2023.103704
- Fred M. Abdelmalek, Priyavrat Deshpande, Shuchita Goyal, Amit Roy, and Anurag Singh, Chordal graphs, higher independence and vertex decomposable complexes, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 2023. DOI: 10.1142/S0218196723500236
- Mishra, P. K. and Tripathi, V. M. (2023). A study of extremal parameter for fractional singular Choquard problem, Mathematische Nachrichten, DOI: 10.1002/mana.202200194.
- Asrifa Sultana, Best proximity points of set-valued generalized contractions, Fixed Point Theory, Volume 24, No. 1, 2023, 383-392.
- Pallab Maiti and Asrifa Sultana, Common Fixed Points for Set-valued Generalized Contractions on a Metric Space with Graphical Structure, FILOMAT, Volume 37, No 11, 2023.
- Khandakar, M. and Kataria, K. K. (2023). Some compound fractional Poisson processes. Fractal and Fract. 7(1), 15.
- Interactions Between Topological Combinatorics and Combinatorial Commutative Algebra, BIRS, Canada, 2-7 April 2023.
- H. K. Dwivedi; R. K. Mistri, Direct and inverse problems for subset sums with certain restrictions. Integers 2022, 22, Paper No. A112, 13 pp.
- Daundkar, N., Deshpande, P., Goyal, S. and Singh, A. (2022). The Borsuk-Ulam theorem for planar polygon spaces, Topology and Its Applications, DOI:
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2022). Skellam and time-changed variants of the generalized fractional counting process. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
- Kayal, S., Patra, L. K., Bhakta, R. and Nadarajah, S. (2022). Ordering Results for Order Statistics from Heterogeneous Log-Logistic Distributions, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, DOI:
- Chattopadhyay, A., Hong, G., Pal, A., Pradhan, C. and Kumar, S. R. (2022). On Isometric Embedding of $S_p^m$ into $S_q^n$, Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 282, Issue 1.
- Pal, A. (2022). On $\Gamma_n$-contractions and their Conditional Dilations, Journal of Mathematical analysis and application, Volume 510(2), DOI10.1016/j.jmaa.2022.126016.
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2022). Extended eigenvalue-eigenvector method. Statistics & Probability Letters 183, 109361.
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2022). Generalized fractional counting process. Journal of Theoretical Probability
- Jakhar, A. and Kumar, S. (2022). On non-monogenic number fields defined by sextic trinomials, Canadian Math. Bulletin, DOI: 10.4153/S0008439521000825.
- Jakhar, A. and Srinivas, K. (2022). On the degrees of irreducible factors of a polynomial, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150(5), 1949-1953. DOI:10.1090/proc/15918.
- Jakhar, A., Kaur, S. and Khanduja, S.K. (2022). Discriminant and integral basis of quintic fields defined by x5+ax+b, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2350109 (37 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S02194988235010.
- Jakhar, A. and Kaur, S.(2022). A note on non-monogenity of number fields arised from sextic trinomials, Quaestiones Mathematicae, DOI:10.2989/16073606.2022.2043948.
- Jakhar, A. (2022). Explicit integral basis of Q(a^{p_1p_2}), Journal of Number Theory, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnt.2022.01.009.
- Jakhar, A. (2022). Nonmonogenity of number fields defined by trinomials, New York Journal of Mathematics, 28, 650-658.
- Deshpande, P., Manikandan, N. and Singh, A. (2022). On the topology of bi-cyclopermutohedra, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, DOI:
- Menon, K. and Singh, A. (2022). Pattern avoidance of [4,k]-pairs in circular permutations, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 138, 102346, DOI:
- Singh, A. (2022). Higher matching complexes of complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, vol. 345, no. 4, 112761, DOI:
- Deshpande, P., Shukla, S. and Singh, A. (2022). Distance r-domination number and r-Independence complexes of graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 102, 103508, DOI:
- Čech complexes of hypercube graphs, 37th annual conference of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, December 8, 2022.
- Mishra, P. K. (2022). Invited talk on "A study of non-local problems beyond the extremal value of the parameter" at 37th Annual Conference of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, SSN University, Chennai, 6-8 December 2022.
- Kataria, K. K. (2022). Invited distinguished speaker talk on "On the Long Range Dependence Property of Fractional Counting Processes" Global Summit on Earth Science and Climate Change held in Paris, France during September 15–16, 2022.
- Kataria, K. K. (2022). Invited colloquium talk on "On fractional counting processes" at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 12.
- Adhikary, A. and Pal, A. (2021). A six compartments with time-delay model SHIQRD for the COVID-19 pandemic in India: During lockdown and beyond, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 23rd June
- Goyal, S., Shukla, S. and Singh, A. (2021). Matching complexes of 3 x n grid graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(4), Article no. P4.16, DOI:
- de Souza, Manasses, do O, J. M. and Mishra, P. K. (2021). Multiplicity results for fractional magnetic problems involving exponential growth, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45 (5) 3098-3123.
- Aussel, D., Donato, M. B., Milasi, M. and Sultana, A. (2021). Existence Results for Quasi-variational Inequalities with Applications to Radner Equilibrium Problems. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis,
- Jakhar, A. Khanduja, S. K. and Sangwan, N. (2021). On Integral basis of pure number fields, Mathematika, 67, 187–195.
- Jakhar, A. (2021). Explicit integral basis of pure sextic number fields, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 51(2), 571-580.
- Jakhar, A. Khanduja, S. K. and Sangwan, N. (2021). On discriminant of pure number fields, Colloq. Math., DOI:10.4064/cm8257-11-2020.
- Jakhar, A. and Sangwan, N. (2021). Key polynomials and distinguished pairs, Communications in Algebra, 49(7), 2952-2960.
- Jakhar, A. (2021). A simple generalization of the Schonemann-Eisenstein irreducibility criterion Archiv der Mathematik, DOI :10.1007/s00013-021-01642-9.
- Mahto, S. K. and Srivastava, P.D. (2021). Spectra of Lower Triangular Infinite Matrices Formed by Oscillatory Sequences. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,
- Patra, L. K., Kumar, S and Petropoulos, C. (2021). Componentwise estimation of ordered scale parameters of two exponential distributions under a general class of loss function, Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics,
- Kataria, K. K., Vellaisamy, P. and Kumar, V. (2021). A probabilistic interpretation of the Bell polynomials. Stochastic Analysis and Applications,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2021). Convoluted fractional Poisson process. ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 18(2), 1241-1265.
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2021). Mixed fractional risk process. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 504(1), 125379.
- Mistri, R. K.(2021). Polynomial method for estimating the lower bound for the cardinality of mixed sumsets, Acta Mathematica. Hungarica. 164 (2), 331–340
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2021). Time-changed space-time fractional Poisson process. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, https://doi. org/10.1080/07362994.2021.1903329.
- Patra, L. K., Kumar, S and Petropoulos, C. (2021). Improved Estimators for Functions of Scale Parameters in Mixture Models, Journal of Korean Statistical Society,
- Costa, David G., do O, J. M. and Mishra, P. K. (2021). The Nehari manifold for indefinite Kirchhoff problem with Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type critical growth, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 58(1), 105–134.
- Fiscella, A. and Mishra, P. K. (2021). Fractional Kirchhoff Hardy problems with singular and critical Sobolev nonlinearities, manuscripta mathematica,
- Kataria, K. K. (2021). Participated in the conference on "Advances in Stochastic Analysis for Handling Risks in Finance and Insurance" held in hybrid mode at Centre International de Rencontres Mathèmatiques, Marseille, France during September 13-17.
- Kataria, K. K. (2021). Participated in the 5th workshop on "Probability and Evolution" held in hybrid mode at Centre International de Rencontres Mathèmatiques, Marseille, France during June 28-July 02.
- Kataria, K. K. (2021). Invited talk on "Subordinated stochastic processes and their applications", International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Application of Science & Technology (ICMTAST-21) held at Dr. C.V. Raman University, Bilaspur, India during December 22–23.
- Kataria, K. K. (2021). Invited talk on “On fractional counting processes” at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, November.
- INDIAN WOMEN AND MATHEMATICS (IWM): Regional Workshop on Research and Opportunities Feb 21, 2021.
- National Mathematics Day - 22 December 2021
- Kataria, K. K. and Mistri, R. K. (2020). Generalized binomial theorem via Laplace transform technique, Math. Gaz., Accepted.
- Kataria, K. K. and Vellaisamy, P. (2020). State dependent versions of the space-time fractional Poisson process. Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. 23(5), 1483-1505.
- Patra, A. and Srivastava, P. D. (2020). Spectrum and fine spectrum of generalized lower triangular triple band matrices over the sequence space lp, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 68(9), Pages 1797–1816.
- do O, J. M., Mishra, P. K. and Moameni, A. (2020). Supercritical problems with concave and convex nonlinearites in R^N. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M. (2020). On the Long-Range Dependence of Mixed Fractional Poisson Process. Journal of Theoretical Probability,
- Patra, L. K., Kayal, S. and Kumar, S.(2020). Measuring Uncertainty Under Prior Information, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol: 66(4), Pages: 2570-2580
- Mishra, P. K. (2020). Invited talk on “Nonlocal fractional problems involving critical growth ”, Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani October-31.
- Dr. Asrifa Sultana recevied Young Woman in Science, 5th Venus International Women Awards - VIWA 2020, 7th March, 2020.
- National Mathematics Day, Department of Mathematics, 22 December, 2020.
- Misra, G., Pal, A. and Varughese, C. (2019). Contractivity and complete contractivity for finite dimensional Banach spaces, Journal of operator theory, Volume 82, Issue 1, pp. 23-47.
- Ghosh, S., Kataria, K. K. and Vellaisamy, P. (2019). On transmuted generalized linear exponential distribution. Communication in Statistics Theory and Methods.
- Sultana, A. and Qin, X. (2019). On the equivalence of the Mizoguchi-Takahashi locally contractive map and the Nadler’s locally contractive map, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol: 40, Pages: 1964-1971.
- Kataria, K. K. and Vellaisamy, P. (2019). Adomian Decomposition Method and Fractional Poisson Processes: A Survey, Edited by Varsha Daftardar-Gejji, Springer Proceedings.
- Kataria, K. K. (2019). Participated in the Conference on PDE/Probability Interactions: Particle Systems, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws held at Centre International de Rencontres Math´ematiques, Marseille, France during October 14-18.
- Pal, A (2019). Conditional dilation on $\Gamma_n$-contractions, 30th December, TSIMF, China.
- Mistri, R. K. (2019). Participated “International Conference on Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics (ICCGNFRT)-2019" held at HRI Allahabad, India during 16th–19th October.
- Sultana, A. (2019). Attended Indian Women and Mathematics Annual Conference, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, June.
- Sultana, A. (2019). Attended IWM Regional Workshop on Research and Opportunities, NIT Meghalaya, October 19-20.
- Kataria, K. K. (2019). Invited talk on “Fractional Poisson models and their one dimensional distributions” in IISA 2019 Conference on Innovations in Data and Statistical Sciences (INDSTATS) held at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India during December 26-30.
- Kataria, K. K. (2019). Invited talk on "Topics in Probability and Statistics-I", AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Workshop on Data Sciences, IIT Bhilai, 16th November.
- Kataria, K. K. (2019). Invited talk on "Topics in Probability and Statistics-II", AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Workshop on Data Sciences, IIT Bhilai, 17th November.
- Mistri, R. K. (2019). Invited talk on “Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors”, Data Sciences Workshop (16th - 20th November 2019), IIT Bhilai, 18th November.
- Pal, A (2019). Invited talk on “System of equations (Linear algebra)”, IIT Bhilai, 17th November, AICTE ATAL Workshop
- Pal, A (2019). Invited talk on “Math. and Stat”, Behind Blockchain, IIT Bhilai, 12th December 2019, AICTE ATAL Workshop
- Sultana, A. (2019). Invited talk on "Convex Optimization and its Applications", AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Workshop on Data Sciences, IIT Bhilai, November.