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Important dates of Recruitment

Shortlisted applicants will be notified through email.

Application Process

STEP-I: Apply Online
Applicant has to apply online using the link given below. After filling the online application form successfully, an application id/ reference number (eg. XY-66 / abcd78a609d12342d0953e8b285c1234) will be generated. Applicant should note down both the application id and reference number. Applicant must download the filled online application form and retain it for future requirement.

STEP-II: Make Fee Payment
Payment of application fee has to be made through State Bank Collect only. Click on the link given below for making fee payment. After visiting SBI Collect website, accept the terms and conditions of SBI Collect and proceed further. Now, select the appropriate category for Recruitment application fee and pay the fee amount. Enter your application id number (eg. XY-66) in the respective field. After making the payment, SBI Collect will generate DU reference number (viz. DU12345678). This reference number will be required for adding the fee payment details.

STEP-III: Add Payment Details
This step should be done 36 hours after the generation of SBI Collect DU reference number. Applicant has to add the DU reference number to his/ her application.

Use the application reference number to enter the payment updation page.

For example: If your application id/ reference number is XY-66 / abcd78a609d12342d0953e8b285c1234 use abcd78a609d12342d0953e8b285c1234 to enter the payment updation page.

Message From Director

I am pleased to extend my greetings to students and their parents as well as colleagues near and far. IIT Bhilai was established on 7 August 2016. We are located in Chhattisgarh, the rice bowl of India, in a state rich in natural resources as well as cultural memory and heritage. Read More


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