Dr. Satyajit Gupta
  • Title : Development of Mixed Dimensional Lead (Pb2+) Halide Perovskite (MDHP) Solar-Cells for Clean Fuel Production through Water Splitting
  • Funding Agency : Start-up Research Grant (DST-SERB)
  • Duration : 2019-2021
  • Summary :
  • Lead (Pb2+) based 3-dimensional (3D) halide perovskite (HaP) semiconductors with a structural formula of BPbX3, [B = monovalent cation/ methyl ammonium (MA); X=halogen] have received considerable attention because of their potential application in fabricating productive solar cells. The unique and superior photovoltaic property of (3D)-HaP stands for its capability of power conservation efficiency (PCE) above 23%. However, the long-term application of the (3D)-HaPs is getting hindered despite the simplicity of synthesis, expediency in efficiency and notable high performance, because of their instability or atmospheric sensitivity unlike 2-dimensional (2D)-HaPs, which shows better stability but poor efficiency. The limitations of (2D)-HaPs, (A2PbX4; A = long chain organic cation/ butyl ammonium (BA); X = halogen), are due to larger band gap and higher exciton binding energy compared to (3D) HaPs. Now, the question arises, is it a challenge or the priority to find a stable and efficient semiconductor simultaneously?

    The project-proposal is endeavoured to design a new mixed dimensional/(2D/3D) halide perovskite (MDHP) and the respective solar cell with improved stability for fruitful photovoltaic or multi-purpose applications in near future. The advantage of molecular modulation will be utilized to modify the design of MDHPs [A2Bn-1PbnX3n+1 (n= 2, 3, 4….. ∞); A= long chain amine; B= methyl amine (MA); X= halide] and to optimize their properties, behavior and interactions in order to achieve the advanced device-performance. Finally, the MDHP-solar cell in conjunction with a photoanode (photocatalyst deposited over fluorine doped tin oxide-FTO coated glass substrates) will be used to generate clean fuel through water splitting reaction under solar illumination.

Message From Director

I am pleased to extend my greetings to students and their parents as well as colleagues near and far. IIT Bhilai was established on 7 August 2016. We are located in Chhattisgarh, the rice bowl of India, in a state rich in natural resources as well as cultural memory and heritage. Read More


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