Dr. Sesha Vempati
  • Title : Time-resolved optical spectroscopy and device applications: Localized metallic state of ZnO and graphene based van der Waals' heterostructure.
  • Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board (Statutory Body Established Through an Act of Parliament: SERB Act 2008), Government of India.
  • Duration : 2019-2021
  • Summary :
  • Hybrid materials occupy a special role in numerous optoelectronic applications. Apart from bulk optoelectronic properties, the performance and functionality of these devices depend crucially on the characteristics of the “interface” which modulates the redistribution of both charge and energy under photoexcitation, as governed by the fundamental time-scales. i.e. electronic/excitonic coupling. The electronic coupling between ZnO and graphene makes an important case in the context of Coulombic and van der Waals type interfaces in nanophotonic devices. The intrinsic graphene electronic structure can be modified by introducing a precise strain distribution, localized impurities and others, where we employ ZnO as a substrate to modulate the properties of the graphene and harness the capabilities of hybrid interface. Notably, for both ZnO and graphene, the time-scales are dependent on transient screening and optical excitation density which might yield synergy effects. Also, the energy level alignment between ZnO and graphene plays a crucial role in the transfer of charge from substrate to the adsorbate and vice-a-versa. We believe that this study would unfold the electronic coupling across the interface and the results would be applicable towards photodetectors.

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I am pleased to extend my greetings to students and their parents as well as colleagues near and far. IIT Bhilai was established on 7 August 2016. We are located in Chhattisgarh, the rice bowl of India, in a state rich in natural resources as well as cultural memory and heritage. Read More


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