Dr. Sanjib Banerjee
Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemistry
IIT Bhilai
sanjib.banerjee@iitbhilai.ac.inResearch Group Page
Research Interest
- EV Technologies
- Energy Storage Technologies
- Smart Biomaterials
- Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilization
- Waste to Wealth
- Sustainable Materials and Processes
- Ph.D.: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India
- M.Sc. (Chemistry): University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
- B.Sc. (Chemistry): Scottish Church College, Kolkata, India
Professional Experience
- 2021-till date: Associate Professor, IIT Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.
- 2017-2021: Assistant Professor, Indian IIT Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.
- 2015-2017: Post-doctoral Research Associate at ENSCM, France.
- 2013-2015: Post-doctoral Research Associate at UMass Lowell, USA.
Awards, Fellowships and Honors
- 2024: Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)-Bronze Medal for the year 2024.
- 2024-till date: Section Editor, Materials Today Communications Journal, Elsevier.
- 2022: Next Generation of Polymer Researchers-2022 by Wiley-Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Journal.
- 2022-2024: Associate Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry Journal.
- 2020: Polymer Chemistry Emerging Investigator-2020 by Royal Society of Chemistry-Polymer Chemistry Journal.
- 2020: Outstanding Reviewer for Royal Society of Chemistry-Molecular Systems Design & Engineering Journal in 2019.
- 2019: Early Career Research Award by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India.
- 2016: Ramanujan Fellowship by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India.
Institute-level Responsibilities
- Aug, 2020–Aug, 2024: Head, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Bhilai.
- Oct, 2018–Nov, 2022: Convener, Institute's Innovation Council (IIC), IIT Bhilai.
- Jan, 2018–Oct, 2022: Member, Science Purchase Committee, IIT Bhilai.
- Feb, 2018–Aug, 2020: Faculty-in-charge, Research & Development (R&D), IIT Bhilai.
- Jan, 2018–Aug, 2020: Convener, Departmental Postgraduate Committee (DPGC) , Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Bhilai.
- Feb, 2018–Mar, 2019: Faculty-in-charge, Student Mentorship Program, IIT Bhilai.
- Nov, 2017–Feb, 2018: Faculty-in-charge, Sports Activity, IIT Bhilai.
Publication Summary
- Peer-reviewed International Journal: 72
- Book Chapters: 9
- Patent filed from IIT Bhilai: 5
- Patent granted from IIT Bhilai: 3
- Total Citations: 1634
- h-index: 27
- i10 index: 49
Selected Publications
Courses Taught
- CYL505: Organic Reactions and Reagents, 2023-24 W Sem. (PG)
- CYP502: Organic and Inorganic Laboratory, 2023-24 W Sem. (PG)
- CYL100: Applied Chemistry, 2023-24 M Sem. (UG)
- MML553: Material Synthesis and Processing, 2023-24 M Sem. (PG)
- CY628: Nano-engineered Molecular Materials, 2022-23 W Sem. (PG)
- CY613: Materials for Emerging Applications, 2022-23 W Sem. (UG-PG)
- CY511: Physical Organic Chemistry, 2022-23 W Sem. (PG)
- EV506: Battery Chmeistry, Components and Manufacturing, 2022-23 M Sem. (PG)
- CY505: Oranic Reactions and Reagents, 2022-23 M Sem. (PG)
- IC103: Materials Chemistry I, 2022-23 M Sem. (UG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2021-22 W Sem. (PG)
- CY613: Materials for Emerging Applications, 2021-22 W Sem. (UG-PG)
- CY511: Physical Organic Chemistry, 2021-22 W Sem. (PG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2021-22 M Sem. (PG)
- CY505: Organic Reactions and Reagents, 2021-22 M Sem. (PG)
- IC103: Materials Chemistry I, 2021-22 M Sem. (UG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2020-21 W Sem. (PG)
- CY628: Nano-engineered Molecular Materials, 2020-21 W Sem. (UG-PG)
- CY511: Physical Organic Chemistry, 2020-21 W Sem. (PG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2020-21 M Sem. (PG)
- IC103: Materials Chemistry-I, 2020-21 M Sem. (UG)
- CY505: Organic Reactions & Reagents, 2020-21 M Sem. (PG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2019-20 W Sem. (PG)
- CY613: Materials for Emerging Applications, 2019-20 W Sem. (UG-PG)
- CY511: Physical Organic Chemistry, 2019-20 W Sem. (UG-PG)
- IC106: Chemistry Lab, 2019-20 W Sem. (UG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2019-20 M Sem. (PG)
- CY505: Organic Reactions & Reagents, 2019-20 M Sem. (UG-PG)
- CY613: Materials for Emerging Applications, 2019-20 M Sem. (UG-PG)
- IC103: Materials Chemistry-I, 2019-20 M Sem. (UG)
- IC106: Chemistry Lab, 2019-20 M Sem. (UG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2018-19 W Sem. (PG)
- CY609: Chemistry of Materials, 2018-19 W Sem. (PG)
- CY200: Smart Functional Materials, 2018-19 W Sem. (UG)
- IC106: Chemistry Lab, 2018-19 W Sem. (UG)
- IC601: Research Methodology, 2018-19 M Sem. (PG)
- CY602: Macromolecular Chemistry, 2018-19 M Sem. (PG)
- IC103: Materials Chemistry-I, 2018-19 M Sem. (UG)
- IC106: Chemistry Lab, 2018-19 M Sem. (UG)
- CY7030: Macromolecular Chemistry, 2017-18 W Sem. (PG)
- CY1020: Applied Chemistry-I, 2017-18 W Sem. (UG)
- CY1021: Applied Chemistry-II, 2017-18 W Sem. (UG)
Recent Invited Talks
- “Functional Polymeric Materials: From Design Principles to Applications”, International Conference on Functional Materials and Polymer Technologies (ICFMPT-2024), March 14-16, 2024 at ICT-Mumbai, IOC Bhubaneswar campus.
- “Smart Functional Polymeric Materials for Emerging Applications”, International Conference on Functional Materials, January 9-11 2024 at IIT Kharagpur.
- “Amino Acid-derived Smart Anti-protein Fouling Materials”, 34th Annual General Meeting of MRSI And 5th Indian Materials Conclave Programme, December 12-15, 2023 at IIT (BHU), Varanasi.
- “Multi-stimuli Responsive Molecular Materials: Design, Synthesis and Applications”, 17th International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology (SPSI-MACRO-2023), December 10-13, 2023 at IIT Guwahati.
- “Functional Porous Polymers for CO2 Capture Applications”, International Conference On “Advancement in Sustainable Materials for Energy and Environment” (ASMEE-2023), October 6-7, 2023 at CIPET Raipur.
- “Facile access to Functional Porous Polymeric Materials for CO2 Capture”, Conference on Catalysis for Energy Environment and Sustainability (CEES 2023) & CO2-India Network 2nd Annual Meet, September 25-27, 2023 at IIT Mandi.
- “Agro-waste-derived Biochar for Steel Production: Current Status and Future Perspectives”, Seminar on Biochar - Greening of Steel through Agro-based Products, September 15-16, 2023 at Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel (RDCIS) SAIL, Ranchi.